Checklist for Listening & Learning Abilities

Over my entire clinical career -more than two decades of assessing children & adults and treating them with sound-training- I have noticed that children, even very young children, with psycho-motor, developmental and learning challenges (no matter how discrete the challenges) often have listening– and visual- processing difficulties. In a 1991 study we published in the medical journal “Pädiatrische Praxis,” A. Hartwig, M.D., Ph.D. -developmental pediatrician, Berlin, Germany- and I, found that the 90 children (ages 6 to10) we tested supported our clinical observations. Some adults have similar problems, but are rarely aware of them.

Please review this checklist below and see if any of the descriptions are true for you / your child. If you feel that some of the areas circled currently create difficulties in your or your child’s life, please contact us. We would be happy to address your questions, concerns & further assist you or your family member.

Other factors such as medical history (recurring otitis media serousa), ear infections at early ages, or ear tubes, etc.) and developmental history (such as prenatal, natal, and postnatal traumatic experiences, early emotional and motor developmental challenges, or adoption and international adoption cases, etc.) are also important and can affect our listening and learning abilities.
Acknowledgement: This checklist has been adapted based on Paul Madaule’s checklist at the Listening Centre, Toronto.

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